I just received an email about White Pride. I agree if you feel white pride you have a right to celebrate how you feel. Why not? Everyone has a right to celebrate who they are and what they believe in.
But thinking about the email again I may not have been the right person to send it to. The person sending the email didn't know about my background how would they?
I am sure it was logical to assume I am white after all my skin is light and I have blond hair and grey eyes. Knowing I look like a Caucasian, and can certainly pass for being one I could just keep quite and let people believe what they want but my pride will not let me limit myself to being called just white or Caucasian.
The simple fact is I am not totally white. I am a mutt and proud of it.
I am sure it was logical to assume I am white after all my skin is light and I have blond hair and grey eyes. Knowing I look like a Caucasian, and can certainly pass for being one I could just keep quite and let people believe what they want but my pride will not let me limit myself to being called just white or Caucasian.
The simple fact is I am not totally white. I am a mutt and proud of it.
I am Jewish, Latin, American Indian, East Indian, West Indian, African, Italian, Irish, French, Scandinavian, German and more.
I may discover in the future that I have more colors and nationalities as I explore my family history. I hope so.
In the past I have dated and fallen in love with an Arab American, I grew up understanding family life because of the love of an African American Family, My best friend and roommate in College was Japanese American. I had a rich and culturally diverse back ground and I would not have traded a moment of it for the world.
My friends are of all colors, nationalities, ages, and religions. I enjoy and appreciate who they are and would not change a hair on their head to make them conform to what I am or think they should be. I love them for themselves not for some color or ancestry.
The email I received continued by sharing insulting names use to demean different races and nationalities.
No one has the right to demean the ethnicity, nationality, or beliefs of others.
As for me call me whatever name you want I can handle it, but understand I don’t have color pride and the only race I belong to is the human race. So no matter if you are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. or if you define yourself as black, white, red, yellow or brown whatever. I believe in your human rights and freedom to be who you are and celebrate it as long as you do no harm to anyone else. So celebrate it if that is what you’re about.
Personally I don’t have time for this kind of thing. I believe it’s time for the world to concentrate on more important issues. This issue of pride of race or nationality seems too archaic to me and something we should be well pass by now.
Personally I don’t have time for this kind of thing. I believe it’s time for the world to concentrate on more important issues. This issue of pride of race or nationality seems too archaic to me and something we should be well pass by now.
Personally I know I am and I hope you are as well.
If not then enjoy where you are in life.
I just hope this country and this world starts growing up and realizing you can not legislate human rights or judge people on the pigeon holes that others have established based on bias relating to race or nationality .
We can accomplish so much more if we put these issues behind us. I live in hope I will see this happen in my time or at least the beginning of the needed changes and have faith that others who believe as I do will carry on when my time is up.
Remember be who you are and let others be who they need to be. The world will be a much better place if you do.
If not then enjoy where you are in life.
I just hope this country and this world starts growing up and realizing you can not legislate human rights or judge people on the pigeon holes that others have established based on bias relating to race or nationality .
We can accomplish so much more if we put these issues behind us. I live in hope I will see this happen in my time or at least the beginning of the needed changes and have faith that others who believe as I do will carry on when my time is up.
Remember be who you are and let others be who they need to be. The world will be a much better place if you do.
This is your best yet.