Shhh The Secret To Making Spare Ribs

Shhh The Secret To Making Spare Ribs

It's summer time and it is time to get out the grill and make all those wonderful summer meals we all enjoy during warmer weather.
That also means it’s time to take the mystery out of making spareribs so it can be one of those wonderful summer meals you can enjoy all summer long.
Don’t be afraid. There is no trick to it and it’s easy. I promise it’s not complicated. I know it can be intimidating if you were not brought up making spareribs for dinner in your family home.  Perhaps you have told yourself that you don’t want to take on something you just have no clue how to prepare but if you would like to learn how to prepare spareribs then please stay with me.  I did grow up in a neighborhood that taught me how to make spareribs. My neighbors felt someone had to teach me how to make them because even back then I was a pork aholic!
Everyone has a different way of making spareribs but I want  to share with you the way I learned to make them so hopefully in the future you will be able to make them for yourself anytime you are in the mood to fix them for dinner.
So let’s get started and let me show you today that there is
nothing that hard about preparing or making spareribs.
We need to start with getting the ribs ready to cook.
Its simple first turn the ribs over so the bone side is facing up and now look at the back of the ribs and you will see a whitish colored membrane.
This is not edible and no it’s not poison! If the membrane is not removed it just does not allow the ribs to relax and cook as they should and that is why you will want to remove this membrane carefully with a sharp knife.
Please don’t let this step overwhelm you because all meats have to be prepared in some way or another before you cook it so why should spareribs be any different? Nothing can go wrong and you will not ruin the ribs so relax and take care of it so you can be ready to cook the spareribs.
Next we will want to determine if we want to use a dry rub on the ribs. I suggest you do because that adds that great BBQ taste. We don’t want to use a sauce yet because that tends to burn because of the sugar molasses or other sweeter in the sauce.
Next we rub the spareribs with the dry rub of your choice it’s up to you what you use.
I like to use a dry rub that I found at the Dollar Tree called Memphis BBQ it is in the spice area of the store if you would like to purchase some it for yourself to use.
Once you have chosen the rub that you want to us sprinkle it on both sides of the ribs and rub it in.
Update I watched a food network show and they did ribs. It was a show called Restaurant Impossible. The restaurant featured was a BBQ restaurant. When the host showed the owners how to fix the ribs he did pretty much what I did but he added one step that I tried today. he made a mix of soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. I did the same one teaspoon of each then basted the ribs and sprinkled my dry rub on the ribs and rubbed it all in.
It did truly enhance the flavor and I can say with out question I now make the best ribs in the area! Now that you know my secrets so can you.
  Now it’s time to cook your ribs.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and wrap your ribs in foil bone side down with holes poked in the foil so air can circulate around the ribs while they are cooking for the next hour in the oven. 
What this does is basically steam the ribs while they are cooking.
Before you put the ribs on the pan make sure you line the pan with foil so when you remove the ribs from the oven there will be little to no clean up for you to do.
If you want vegetables to go with the ribs you can add to the wrapped spareribs and steam them along with the spareribs. 
This will add additional flavor to the ribs and the ribs will add flavor to the vegetables.
Personally I love adding vegetables such as yellow squash onion and corn. You decided if you want to add the vegetables and what kind of vegetables you enjoy eating that is up to you.
After an hour remove the spareribs from the oven and allow to them to rest for about ten minutes. The reason you do this is so when you open the spareribs you don’t get a steam burn and the ribs can soak up its own juices while it rests.
The ribs are done but I like to put them out on my BBQ grill. This is when I bring out my favorite BBQ sauce and lightly brush each side of the spareribs with it because it will help with browning the spareribs and will add another layer of flavor that will make the ribs taste so good!
The ribs are now ready to serve and enjoy.
This is when you can add additional sauce if you want to serve them covered or you can serve the sauce on the side and add it if you would like more sauce later.  
There is no right or wrong way to serve ribs so do it the way you enjoy having them the most.
I hope this has helped anyone who has not attempted to make spareribs to get up the courage to give it a try now that they know how easy they are to prepare.
Not only will you have a great dinner you will have the bonus of driving your neighbors crazy with the delicious smell of ribs cooking!
How can it get any better than that? 
Oh wait es it can believe it or not. I can buy a good size package of ribs for a couple of dollars when they are on sale and I will be able to freeze the left over ribs for a second meal that way it  keeps this meal on the budget of two dollars a day.
Now I can say it does not get any better than that!
