Healthy And So Good Stuffed Green Peppers
I decided today I was
going to make stuffed green peppers for dinner tonight. It was only seventy
degrees this morning and the house was cool so using the oven was not going to
be a problem today if I used it early enough. That was when I preheated the oven to 350
degrees in preparation of baking the stuffed green peppers. Next I put a small frying pan on
the stove at medium heat and added olive oil to it so it would be warmed when I
added whatever veggies I was using for this meal and to be able to sauté them properly.
I knew I didn’t want to
make the average stuffed green pepper that really has no real nutritional value to them
outside of the pepper itself.
So I forged though the refrigerator
as I usually do looking for inspiration.
I found a small yellow squash,
a small green squash, two large green peppers, celery, green onion, some left
over shredded cheese, and garlic.
If you know me as many
of you do by now, you know that an idea was forming in my mind about what I was going to use in my stuffed green peppers today.
I took all these items
out of the refrigerator and then checked in the freezer for my next inspiration.
That was when I spotted the box of beef patties with cheese and bacon in them and the
box Italian sausage patties. I had bought these two boxes of patties on sale
when I went shopping last week.
I said to myself why
not? I took one patty from each box and put them in the microwave to defrost.
Next I had to decide how
much of each vegetable I was going to use.
I ended up using a third
of the squash, two green onions, a stalk of celery and whatever green pepper
that was usable when I took the tops off the green peppers in preparation of stuffing them.
I like to remove the top
of the peppers down to the first wide part of the pepper so I have a lot of the
filling showing when I am serving the pepper later. It just looks better when I
do it that way.
Next I chopped all the
veggies up and added them to the pan of preheated olive oil to sauté until almost
tender. To this pan I added about a tablespoon of minced garlic that I had in a
jar already chopped, and of course some fresh ground pepper and sea salt.
While the veggies were
cooking I broke up the two patties that I had just defrosted in the microwave
and added about a fourth of a cup of shredded cheese that I had left over from
another dinner.
By that time I finished
mixing the meat and cheese together the
vegetables were just cooked enough to be able to pour into the bowl with the meat
and cheese. Then I mixed everything together. divided the mixture in half and filled each green pepper and topped each
pepper with some shredded cheese.
Once the stuffed peppers were
ready I put them in a cake pan (I used the cake pan because it was there and the
pan was high enough to hold the peppers upright) and then put them into the
preheated oven for a half an hour.
When the peppers were
done I took them from the oven and put them in another dish to cool down.
I am like a kid when I experiment
I have to try what I make so of course I took a little of the filling to test whether
it was tasty enough to share with you.
I had never made green
peppers this way before and I was very pleased with the results.
The filling held
together nicely and the mixture of the meat and vegetables were perfect together
and the flavors while individually wonderfully they also blended well together
to create a delicious stuffed pepper.
I cannot wait until
later when I sit down to dinner and enjoy this treat.
One stuffed pepper will
be enough for dinner and the other pepper I will freeze for another meal.
I think I will put some
strawberry apple sauce on my plate next to stuffed pepper tonight to make this
a complete meal.
If you are like me and want to treat your body
better with healthier foods and eat a delicious
meal at the same time then give this
idea a try. I Think you will agree its a wonderful tasting stuffed pepper!
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