Old School Porcupine Meatballs

Old School Porcupine Meatballs

Yesterday was a more expensive meal but you should know me by now and understand that I am compulsive about staying in budget.
Today’s meal will make up for what I spent yesterday.
This is another of those long ago lost and just found recipes from the nineteen fifties.
I am making porcupine meatballs but is just as good today as it was back then. I bet if you think back to when you were a child you might remember this dish.
It’s simple and very inexpensive.
Here is how to make it.


¼ pound of Hamburg
¼ onion chopped fine
Sea Salt & Fresh ground Pepper to taste
Sprinkling of parsley flakes
¼ cup of rice (if you use instant rice just add if you use long cooking rice the wash the rice)
1 egg (use a small egg anything bigger mix the egg and use half)
Can of Tomato Soup
Can of water

Mix meat, rice, egg, parsley flakes, salt, and pepper
Make into meatballs. Up to you how big.
Cook in the tomato soup and water for 1 hour
Stir occasionally to keep from sticking

That’s all there is too it!
To make is really old school serve with green beans.
That’s what I did but I love cottage cheese so I used that as a side dish as well with chopped onion.
I enjoyed this trip back to yesterday and I hope you will too.
