Meals In Five Minutes For Busy Days

Meals In Five Minutes For Busy Days 

Tonight I had a call from a friend. She was exhausted and not in a good mood. The events of the last three days were taking their toll on her.
Her mom had had a heart attack and needed surgery. She was in the hospital here in Schenectady a forty five minute trip for her from her home. She was also commuting to work every day from the Amsterdam area to Albany. For thoughts not familiar with the area that is basically a daily hour or more trips. On top of that she has a very large family that makes demands on her and she is trying to recover from the flu.
So after she gave me an update on her mom she said I am so tired, irritated, and hungry. What can I make when I get home? I reminded her of the turkey cheese cake and lasagna I had given her when she stopped over earlier this week that she could take out of the freezer and pop in the microwave. She was glad I reminded her she had them and said she would grab one of them when she got home.
 I was very glad I had given her some freezer ready dishes that were perfect for a time like this. I had also given her some Lemonade pie and cookies and she was looking forward to that more than anything.
It got me thinking about these times like she is having that we all have from time to time.
Here are some ideas for a few five minute meals from refrigerator to plate with clean up included in that five minutes.
First you need to stock the freezer with these things if they appeal to you.
I always keep on hand four things, two from Wal-Mart and two from Aldies.
First Wal-Mart, I buy a package of 100% Angus beef patties with cheese and bacon. I also love their sweet Italian sausage patties.
Then at Aldies I but the package of Jennie-O turkey patties and their brand of cooked ready to eat chicken filets.
While you’re getting these things take the time to pick up those little packages of fruit that come six to a package from the dollar store. It will at least give you some fruit that will be easy to open up and put with your meal.
I get these things of course for days I am unable to walk with my hip injury but people with busy and over busy schedules can benefit from these ideas too I believe.
Needed to make these meals are a George Forman Grill or something like it or even a Panini Grill

Here are a few ideas what to make.

First let’s use the turkey burgers:


2 slices of bread roll. Or whatever bread or bread product you like
¼ cup of stove top stuffing
1 pad of butter
Chicken broth
Cranberry sauce


Put the turkey on the grill
Put the bread in the toaster
Combine the stove top stuffing, with some chicken broth or water, and a pad of butter then mix together and put in microwave for a minute.
The turkey should be done in three minutes and the toast should be popping at the same time.
On the toast put the dressing, turkey burger, and top with the cranberry sauce.
Clean the George Forman off which takes maybe twenty seconds and wash the knife if you used one.
You’re ready to eat.

If you prefer not to have a sandwich this also can be plated as a turkey burger with stuffing, and cranberries on the side. That’s up to you but it takes the same amount of time for either.

Next let’s do the Chicken patty:


Chicken patty
Bread or bread product


Place the chicken filet in the microwave for about 1 minute
Place bread in toaster
In three minutes your toast will be ready,
On the toast spread with mayonnaise then place the lettuce, and chicken.
No clean up except for the knife you used for the Mayonnaise.
You’re ready to eat.

Italian Sausage


1 Italian Sausage patty
2 slices of bread
1 slice of onion
Mayonnaise, ketchup, BBQ sauce, or a little left over spaghetti sauce


Put the patty on the grill and the bread in the toaster
When ready in three minutes spread the toast with whatever condiment you like then put a slice of onion, and lettuce on the toast and top with the Italian sausage patty.
Clean the grill and wash the knife and your ready to eat.

Hamburger Patty:


Hamburger patty
2 slices of bread


When the toast is ready spread the mayonnaise on the toast then put the lettuce and hamburger patty on top of that.
Clean the grill and you are ready to sit down and eat.
Don’t forget to open a snack size fruit cup to go with your meal and enjoy.
You have the idea and I know I am not telling you anything new but I know when your harried you think everything takes too long but that’s not true these foods mention and lots of other things you can make as well that will be just as fast and nutritious.
It doesn’t have to take too long and that is what I was trying to demonstrate.
Remember your worth the five minutes and you deserve better than a calorie laden and nutritionally empty snack when you’re too tired to do much else.
It’s your body and your heath and when you are at your most tired or harried is when you need to be the most careful to take care of you.
