Red and White Dogs
I am so excited! I am waiting for the delivery of my Zweigles Hot Dogs!
I was able to dig up enough money to order a couple of packages of red and white skinless hot dogs.
Today is the delivery day.
Its kind of sad when you think about it. I use to get excited like this when I met a new guy with a washer and dryer now its just hot dogs.
That's OK excited is excited and I can not wait!
I decided that I would grill two dogs. One red and one white.
I would take a roll out of the freezer defrost it then butter and grill in on my grill as well.
While the dogs and the roll are grilling I will heat up some chili I had also taken out of the freezer to top the dogs.
I like to use Virgo Chili Soup mix for my chili. All you need is the beef and a can of tomatoes. simple, easy, and fast. You can't complain about that now can you? Especially when the chili always tastes so good.
Next I will open a can of Reeds German Potato Salad. This is one of my favorite sides.
Once the roll and the dogs are ready I will put the dogs on top of the roll and cover them with the chili.
Then I will scoop some potato salad on the side and enjoy one of my favorite meals.
I do love hot dogs!
That will finish my day I hope yours finishes as well and mine will.
Happy eating!
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