Candy Corn For Halloween!

                                                  Candy  Corn For Halloween!

Today I was reading through the dozens of recipes sent to me daily via email m ,,, and one hit a familiar and nostalgic note.
Candy Corn. Now its not hitting these notes for the most common reasons, no it was something else.
When I worked at AAA my friend Holly kept all sorts of candy on her desk but she was on the other side of the room and some of the co-workers wondered why I had none since I use to keep candy for them before Holly was hired. I was secretly glad she decided to have the candy because to be honest I am not a big candy fan. 
To solve the issue of something for these co-workers to fill an empty sweet tooth I began to keep candy corn on my desk. Since this  candy was available all year long it solved this problem.
I always wondered how this treat was made and today  I found out.
Its pretty simple. Here is the recipe:

Candy  Corn


1 cup white sugar
2/3 cup light corn syrup
1/3 cup salted butter
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/3 cup powdered milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
red and yellow food coloring


Combine white sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a saucepan over high heat, stirring constantly until it reaches a boil. Reduce the heat to medium and continue stirring occasionally for about 5 minutes. Mix in your vanilla extract and remove from heat.

Mix together powdered sugar and powdered milk in a medium sized bowl. Add this to your wet mixture and mix thoroughly until smooth

Let the dough cool in the saucepan until you can handle it comfortably. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Making the Candy Corn Shape!

Separate your candy mixture into 3 equal parts in 3 bowls. Add 2 drops of yellow food coloring to one, 1 drop red and 2 drops yellow to another, and leave the last bowl alone. Wearing gloves, knead the dyed dough until their colors are even. If your dough feels too soft, put it into the the fridge for 20-30 minutes to allow it to stiffen up.

Roll each dough into a long, slender rope. Line them beside each other to create a tri-color rope. Place a bit of parchment paper on top and press it together gently – a rolling pin works well here – just enough so that they stick together.

Using a very sharp knife, cut your dough into triangles. Keep a damp cloth nearby to clean the knife as you cut; you don’t want it getting too sticky. You’ll get candy corn that alternates between white – orange – yellow and yellow – orange – white, but it’ll all taste delicious nonetheless.

Not that hard to make and might be a real treat for this Halloween!
