The Quick & Easy Way To Make An Omelet!

The Quick & Easy Way To Make An Omelet!

I woke up this morning and I was starved! So today I decided to make this an upside down day.
What I mean by an upside day is that I will make the main meal in the morning instead of tonight.
That's OK today because while I was cleaning I found an insert to use in my deep fryer so tonight I will make french fries in peanut oil and give that insert a try.
Today I decided to make an  omelet. I realize that many people think an omelet is to hard and complicated to make, but its not. You can take that as fact from a non cook like myself who just likes to live and eat well on a budget.
During the week I don't want to spend more than a few minutes preparing a meal to go into the oven, on the stove, or in the microwave.
This fits the bill believe it or not.
So let me take the mystery out of making the omelet. It is almost as easy as making scrambled eggs!


1. First put a 6" skillet on the stove.
    A small skillet is important to form the omelet. If your a real cook or chef you can make an omelet using any pan, but then again if you are you might just read what I write for the stories not the recipes which are basic by your standards. The ordinary person, like myself, who just
 wants to enjoy and be able to make something good to eat on their budget are the people who might get        something out of what I make   using your favorite oil-mine is peanut or olive oil and coat the bottom of the pan an swirl it around to make    sure the bottom of the pan is completely covered.
 Turn the stove onto med high an let the oil get steaming hot
 While the pan is heating up
2.  Mix two egg, a tablespoon of sour cream, and sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Now add your favorite filling. Mine is usually onion flakes ( I love dried onions). Mix well.
3. Once the pan is hot pour the eggs into the pan and turn the heat under the pan down to med low.  The eggs in this really hot pan will start forming a  circle as soon and as it does this, and this happens in       seconds,  then take a spoon and make sure the liquid center moved to the outside rim( use a spoon and just make an opening in the outside rim )  so all the egg cooks.That round rim will form again.
Cover  the pan for a few minutes until you see the center of the omelet start to firm up, it will rise up in the center. Believe me you will be able to tell. This takes perhaps a minute or two. Now if you want to top the omelet this would be the time to do it. Add the topping such as cheese then recover the pan and  turn off the heat. The omelet will continue to cook.and the cheese will melt. Meanwhile prepare the plate you are going to use.
4.   Now uncover the pan and fold the omelet in half and slide the omelet onto the plate or use a spatula what  ever your more comfortable with,
Your now ready to sit down and enjoy your omelet!

I went though this step by step but we are not talking more than five minutes. It will be ready before the toast is!
Good luck making your next omelet and I know you can do it!

By the way here is a hint of skipping the grapefruit  prep in the morning. Walmart sells cans of  citrus fruit and I buy maybe ten cans a month and believe me they come in handy.

Excuse me now I am going to go eat my omelet. As you can see by the picture,  my breakfast is ready to be enjoyed.
