Yellow Rice w/ Saffron, Tomato, & Sausage

Yellow Rice w/ Saffron, Tomato, & Sausage

Today is Labor Day and while I would like to cook out it is not possible where I live now. That is a draw back but this place offers so much that I am ok with that one restriction.
Today since I am not feeling great I want to make something that is easy to make but will celebrate the holiday.
I chose to make Yellow rice with saffron tomato and sausage.
It is a wonderful and easy combination.

Here is how I made it:

1 Package of yellow rice and saffron I use Virgo its a great product
  you can also use your white rice and add a teaspoon of saffron depends on    how much work you want to do
2 Tablespoons of oil or butter
3 teaspoons of garlic
2 bay leaves
1/2 pound of sausage
1 tomato cut up
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

1. First bring 2 1/2 cups of water to a boil adding the  , bay leaves, garlic, salt and pepper.
2. Add the rice and boil for one minute then cover and simmer for about 20 minutes
3, Add the sausage and tomatoes you have chopped or sliced and cover and simmer 5 more minutes.
The sausage will all ready be cooked so you are just heating it and you don't want to loose all the crispness of the tomato.
4. Serve and enjoy!

I have no idea why people think if you add a tomato you have to cook the life out of it. I like the taste of fresh tomato and if you don't over cook it with the sausage and rice you will get to enjoy the raw but warm tomato.
